Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm going to start my own scholarship foundation.

When I have the extra cash laying around (you know, in the incredibly distant future) I want to create the "Captain Jack Scholarship for Pansexual Youth". This, of course, is a reference to Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who and Torchwood, a character who is arguably the most visible role model in television for anyone who doesn't want to get tangled up in the hetero-queer dichotomy. I wanted to call this a scholarship for bisexual youth--since the whole idea originated from the the fact that bisexual students' applications for queer scholarship programs are generally ignored, as if their struggles with minority status were somehow lesser than their "queer-only, all-the-time" counterparts--but my roommate reminded me that Captain Jack cares just as little about species as about genitalia, so I figured the pansexual label was more accurate.

The general dismissal of bisexuals (or anyone who doesn't fall neatly into the hetero or homo column) by the gay community really does bother me, though. The straights, okay, a little discomfort and weirded-outness is not unexpected. But, the gays? Seriously, in this age of acceptance and post-modernist tree-huggery, why are bisexuals treated like promiscuous, cheating-prone, confused sex-nymphs? Is it really that difficult to imagine a world where bisexuals aren't just slutty club girls making out for the Girls Gone Wild cameras? Totally understanding, or "getting it", is not necessary. A little dignity, though. It would be nice.

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