Monday, September 8, 2008

I hope there will be polar bears.

J.J. Abrams has a new show premiering this week, Fringe. Some first impressions, from the commercial:
  • Fringe appears to be a cross between The X-Files (FBI agents dealing with unexplained phenomena...Fox is really going back to their roots with this show), Torchwood (seriously, their "way to get information from the dead" has to be inspired--at least in part--by the resurrection glove), and The Twilight Zone. This is a pro, provided they can find their own voice that also works in today's world--the goal should be to distract from the fact that unlike in the 90s, when X-Files was in its heyday, the American public are not so easily convinced that their government is capable of large-scale, myth-arc conspiracies.
  • Typical Fox production values and set design. Meh. Fringe could make it work, but only in spite of Fox's involvement, not because of it. Con.
  • That guy from Dawson's Creek is on the show. Con. But, he was one of the less annoying cast members from Dawson's Creek and delivers good snark,
  • Hey! It's Daniels! From The Wire! Pro. Pro. Pro.
  • Are airplane crashes J.J. Abrams' signature "thing" now, or what? Con.
  • Wait. There appear to be zombies on that plane. Pro.
  • Lots of walk-and-talks. I'm thrilled The West Wing made these popular. Pro.

So, it looks like the pros outweigh the cons...for now. We'll see after the pilot airs.


Anonymous said...

I met the guy from Dawson's Creek back when it was popular; which you probably know already. He looks a lot thinner in real life. Very nice guy, too. The other cast members just left without signing autographs. Katie Holmes didn't even look at anyone. Hahaha; it's hard to imagine she had a life before Tom Cruise.

kjsilopanna said...

Oh, hey, I forgot about that! Crazy times.